Healing is non-linear.
Healing is non-linear and in that way, we will often find ourselves cycling back through points of pain even as we continue on our healing path.
Guided movement within a trauma sensitive container can serve as another tool for processing and healing from the effects of P.T.S.D and C.P.T.S.D. Within this modality I provide space and opportunity for you to reconnect to your body's wisdom and exercise agency and autonomy.
Trauma-sensitive yoga may be a fit for individuals or groups who:
Are seeking an adjunct therapy to add to their current approach
Feel like something may be missing from talk therapy
Want to reestablish a sense of connection and safety within one's own body

Packages & Pricing
Single Session
6-Session Package
Class For Your Group or Organization
Contact to discuss options*
*Sliding scale payment is available. Please reach out so we can find an option that will work within your budget.
You do not need to be flexible or have any experience with yoga what. This practice meets you right where you are, and we begin there.

What makes trauma-sensitive yoga unique?
Developed at the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts:
TCTSY is an empirically validated, clinical intervention for complex trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
TCTSY modifies elements of hatha yoga to maximize experiences of empowerment, and to cultivate a more positive relationship to one’s body.
TCTSY does not use hands-on adjustments.
TCTSY empowers participants to be in charge of themselves based on a felt sense of their own body.
TCTSY has foundations in Trauma Theory, Attachment Theory, and Neuroscience.
TCTSY’s emphasis is not on appearance or getting the movement right / on external expression; the focus is on the internal experience of the participant